S.O.S e - Voice For Justice - e-news weekly IT IS A FORUM TOWARDS PROTECTING THE CIVIL , HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE OPPRESSED - DALITS , MINORITIES & TRIBALS. The Criminal - Police - Politician - Judge - Criminals Nexus is trying to silence me in many ways. If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA together with jurisdictional police & District Magistrate will be responsible for it. Contact : Naag@protonmail.com , Naag@dalitonline.in ,
Sunday, April 06, 2008
e –Voice Of Human Rights Watch – e-news weekly
Spreading the light of humanity & freedom
Editor: Nagaraj.M.R....vol.4…issue.15......12/04/2008
In India , justice , equality & democracy an illusion . all those words are only there is in statuette books , but not in practice . the rich & mighty crooks are committing gravest crimes & escaping from the hands of law by manipulating evidences , by bribing the public servants to create favourable government reports , records. Poor people who have suffered injustices are not getting justice due to lack of evidences & government reports , records to prove their case. CORRUPTION IS THERE RIGHT FROM GOVERNMENT MATERNITY HOSPITAL UPTO GRAVEYARD , THROUGHT THE WALK OF ONE’S LIFE.
The corrupt public servants are more cruel , damaging criminals than our previous british oppressors or dawood ibrahim & other under world dons. The gravest threat , damages to india’s security & national integrity is more from these corrupt public servants than Pakistan or china or other terrorist outfits. These corrupt public servants can stoop to any level in their greed for money. The present state affairs is a shame to our political & legal system and a barometer , indicator to their efficiency.
Recently , we have seen in the media , how people of bihar meated out mob justice to a criminal , that will be the fate of corrupt police , doctors , other officials in the future. But the violence is not the answer , that will only lead towards anarchy. We must establish true democracy of bapuji’s dreams , true freedom , equality for all in practice for which so many of our fore fathers , freedom fighters sacrificed their life for. THE ANSWER LIES IN ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVANTS , ALL CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES INCLUDING JUDGES , TO THEIR PAY MASTERS – MONARCHS OF DEMOCRACY ie CITIZENS OF DEMOCRATIC INDIA.
Hope this will dawn on our public servants that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS NOT PUBLIC MASTERS. JAI HIND. VANDE MATARM.
Your’s sincerely,
Failure of RTI Act in India
- In the clutches of corrupt public servants mafia
In the courts of law , every statement to be valid must be supported by evidences. That too, the statements of public servants / government officials & their reports in government records are considered as sacrosanct , the ultimate gospel truth by courts of law.
The corruption has spread it's tentacles far & wide in the public service. The bribe booty is shared by lower to higher officials. If an official is complained against , his higher official conducts a formal investigation & reports in the record that lower official is not guilty.
The vigilance authorities / Karnataka lokayukta has recently raided on police , tax officials & seized illegal wealth amounting to crores of rupees. Take the recent case where in senior IPS officer , superintendent of police chamarajanagar , mr.srikantappa was arrested by Karnataka lokayukta. The victims spoke to media that he used to threaten them with false cases. In this way , how many victims / innocents were arrested & tortured by his arrest warrants ? how many innocents suffered in false cases ? how many rich criminals got scot free , by srikantappa's filing of B reports leading to closure of cases ?
In the past how many suffered by srikantappa's actions ? has the court subjected to review all the previous actions of srikantappa throught his corrupt career ? if not , why ?
The courts of law has taken the official reports , records of mr.srikantappa as gospel truth & indirectly aided rich criminals & harmed innocents. It is the same case with respect to reports of all government officials – police , labour , tax , etc. the rich criminals buy out government officials & make them write favourable report about themselves. Whereas the poor , innocents suffer from adverse reports & injustices. The courts of law takes the government records at it's face value & meat out injustices to the poor , innocents while aiding the rich criminals.
When a commoner requests for information as per RTI Act , the government officials either give incomplete information , false information or decline to give information under one pretext or the other. The officials are damn sure that the truthful information will be detrimental to themselves & will be taken as evidence against themselves in the courts of law. So information , truth is not given. Even information commissions are failing here. Thereby, the public are denied to seek justice in the courts of law , by lack of evidences.
The courts of law before accepting the records of government officials , must subject it to a "test of truth". When a government report is contested against , a fact finding team comprising members of public , complainant , respondent & the court , must check it out at the ground level. Orelse when a complainant says that the report of a government official – police , labour , tax , etc as false that government official must be subjected to lie detector test , narco-analysis, ertc by court of law. The questionnaire ie the questions to be asked during the scientific test are to be prepared with feedback from both complainant & respondent's side. In that way , impartially truth can be found out. After all , the objective of courts of law is "Quest for Truth", not just giving out judgements based on reports of corrupt officials.
Nowadays , we are even seeing reports of corruption among the judiciary itself. If a complaint against a judge is made out that a level ground is not provided to put up one's case in the court or cross examination of one party is not allowed or lie detector test / narco analysis of one party is not allowed ( in turn taking the lies of that party as truth ), the judge making a varied interpretation of law, the judge not safe guarding the health & life of the complainant in the custody of police leading to 3rd degree torture of complainant by police , etc, in all such cases the supreme court of India must change the presiding judge of such cases , the cases must be thoroughly reviewed & the guilty judge must be subjected to narco-analysis , lie detector test , etc & legally prosecuted. In this back drop , accountability of police & judges to the public ie citizens of India – kings of democracy , is a must. After all , the kings of democracy / citizens of India / taxpayers are the paymasters of all public servants.
We at e – voice of human rights of watch have utmost respect for the judiciary & all government institutions. It is the corrupt few in those institutions who are themselves bringing disgrace to the august institutions they occupy , by their corrupt deeds. The saving grace is that still honest few are left in public service & it is an appeal to them , to legally prosecute their corrupt colleagues.
In India , the private enterprises are the wealth creators of our economy. However , some private enterprises are violating labour laws , tax laws , human rights & fundamental rights of people. In turn harming the public , looting the tax dues. This is creating black money causing various social evils in the society. These huge private enterprises take loans from public sector banks ie take public's money as loans , collect money from public in the form of shares , debentures , sell their product to the public. Still , they are not covered by RTI Act, they don't give truthful information to the public nor allow public inspection of their sites , why ? they buy out concerned government officials & gets them to write favourable report about themselves. There are wide differences between the ground reality & these government reports. If the aggrieved person , victim of injustices meated out by these private enterprises , tries to legally seek justice, these criminal private enterprises buy out police , concerned officials & fixes up the victim in false cases. The police in total disregard to law violates the human rights & fundamental rights of the victim in custody , subjects the victim to 3rd degree torture in custody. The presiding judge of the case doesn't safe guard the rights , health , life of victims in custody. The judge doesn't check out the truthfulness of government reports & passes on judgement making varied interpretation of just remember the case of "local citizens vs coca cola company" in plachimada , kerala.
Is it not right & just in such cases , to subject the presiding judge , police , concerned government officialds & most importantly key officials of that criminal private enterprise to lie detector , narco- analysis tests , to know the truth ? is it not right to conduct the inspection of alleged site , review of all company's records , by a team comprising of members from public , court , complainant & respondent ?
Some of these criminal enterprises threaten to finish off the poor victims . as these company's have money power they can buy out rowdies , police & capable of doing anything. In such cases , if anything untoward happens to the victim or his family , are not the officials of such criminal enterprise liable to pay compensation to the victims's family or survivors ?
In India , do we truly have democracy & freedom ? is this corrupt India – what our freedom fighters dreamt of & fought for ?
citizens of india vs supreme court of india
Dear Madam / Sir ,
Hereby , I am producing cases of human rights violations in India , by the Indian police , Indian judges & Indian public servants. Our publication e - Voice Of Human Rights Watch is struggling against the double standards of Indian police & Indian judiciary , in a democratic manner. Will you lend your support to this struggle ?
Read full text of the article : Citizens Of India Vs Supreme Court Of India at following web pages :
http://evoiceofhumanrightswatch.wordpress.com/ ,
http://indiancitizen.wordpress.com/ ,
,http://hrwpaper.blogspot.com/ ,
http://evoiceofhumanrightswatch.rediffblogs.com/ ,
History of Corruption in Indian Judiciary since Independence: 1947 - 2003
1949: Mr. Justice Sinha only Judge impeached; courtesy Good Judges & Constitution Framers: Our Fore-Fathers represented by Constituent Assembly of India framers of Constitution of India then in 1949 (year before Consitution came into existence) impeached Mr. Justice Sinha; finding him "guilty of improper exercise of Judicial functions, the cumulative effect of which was to lower the dignity of his office and undermine the confidence of the public in the administration of justice…" [008.07].
Such/ similar acts/ behaviours by whom-so-ever including Judges is since 1971 is covered as an act of Criminal Contempt of Court [041.05 ]. Not a single Judge is either Impeached or hauled-up for Contempt till 1991.
Peoples' Inner Hope Courts to maintain their Majesty & Dignity will prosecute 1000 Judges in context, who have tarnished & undermined the Fair image of Judiciary.
Let Judges relish Jail for months if not years ; to asses personally the convinences-N-comforts provided even to innocent citizens or persons who were not having Rs. 100 to give as Bail. Then they will be in better position to Transform Jails into Reformation Centres. Jailing corrupt Judges by Judges , we hope will instill confidence of people in Courts & law. Who-is-who of India then only will scare to get into any scam nor Criminals will think of becoming Legislators.
1979 : Chief Justice Mr. K. Veeraswami ; Chief Justice of India permitted Central Bureau of India to file case of Dis-proportionate of Income / wealth against Chief Justice Madras High Court Mr. K. Veeraswami ( father-in-law of Mr. Justice V. Ramaswami ). 30 years elaped. Sheltered by Courts' easy-go-tactic. [049.04] [059.05 ]
1991-93: Mr. Justice V. Ramaswami ( son-in-law of Chief Justice Mr. K. Veeraswami [049.04 ] ) : SAWANT COMMITTEE REPORT had held he is guilty of several charges. Supreme Court of India also upheld guilty of 3-4 charges ; & recommended to Parliament for further action. Parliamentarians failed in their Duty to Impeach the Sitting Judge of Supreme Court Mr. Justice V. Ramaswami ; not rising to the Heights of Eminent Constitution makers ; but chose to have unholy alliance with Corruption in Judiciary vis-a-vis Legislature & Government.[008.00 ].
Supreme Court which upheld Charges of Mis-Behaviour also , we opine , failed to prosecute him under Contempt of Court Act & relevant Laws . It also failed " To Do Complete Justice" by invoking Article142 . Criminal Judge was allowed to go scot-free; both by Parliament & Supreme Court !
Good precedent for other Judges ? If so What kind of message to we-innocent-Citizens ? For almost complete proceedings in SC & Parliament: [008.00 ]
1995 A.M. BHATTACHARJEE: The chief justice of the Bombay High Court was forced to resign in 1995 after it was found that he had received Rs.70 lakh as book advance from a publishing firm known to have links with the underworld.
1996 AJIT SENGUPTA: The Calcutta High Court judge made it a routine to issue ex parte, ad interim stay orders on anticipatory bail pleas from smugglers having links with the Mumbai underworld. He was arrested in 1996 for FERA violations after retirement
1994 to 1997: A.M. AHMADI: When he was Chief Justice of India (October 1994-March 1997), his daughter, a lawyer in the Delhi High Court, caused eyebrows to be raised for getting "special" treatment from certain judges. When some members of the bar sought a resolution banning lawyer relatives of judges from staying in the same house, the CJI got members to defeat the motion.
2000 A.S. ANAND: As Chief Justice of India. (a) He was accused of using his position to get the subordinate judiciary to rule in favour of his wife and mother-in-law in a suit that had been barred by limitation for two decades.For more: [049.05] [049.05A] [049.05B] [049.05C] [049.05D] [049.05E ] called as TANGLED PLOT. Also read Ram Jethmalani's " BIG EGOS, small men ". (b) Supreme Court , while he was CJI,directed a CBI probe after a dispute arose over his age in 2000. The investigation report was not made public.This arose due to scan copy published in Ram Jethmalani's " BIG EGOS, small men ".
In November 2002, Sunita Malviya, a Jodhpur-based doctor, alleged that a deputy registrar of the Rajasthan High Court had sought sexual favours for himself and for Justice Arun Madan to "fix" a case in her favour. Justice Mr.• Arun Madan . Case of Lady Sunita Malviya.STATUS: A committee set up by former CJI G.B. Pattanaik found prima facie evidence against Madan, who does not attend court anymore. Judge Resigned
CASH-FOR-JOB :Three judges of the Punjab and Haryana High Court sought the help of disgraced PPSC chief R.P. Sidhu to ensure that their daughters and other kin topped examinations conducted by the commission . Judges are M.L. Singh , Mehtab Sing Gill & Amarbir Singh
STATUS: Two inquiry panels indicted the judges. Gill and Amarbir Singh have resigned M.L. Singh continues, though no work is allotted to him.
2002-03: 3 Judges Mysore Sex Scandal ( alleged ) : On Sunday, November 3, 2002, three judges of the Karnataka High Court, along with two women advocates, allegedly got involved in a brawl with a woman guest at a resort. The police arrived but reportedly didn't take action. Judges are N.S. Veerabhadraiah , V. Gopalagowda &• Chandrashekaraiah .STATUS: The three-judge inquiry committee appointed by the CJI filed its report. Gave clean chit.
March 2003 - Delhi High Court Judge resigns: Suspected of collusion with Property Developers. Raids by CBI on corrupt higher officials in Delhi Development Authority (DDA), found Draft Judgement-N-Court Records
E(I)nquiry-in-camera or In-House Inquiry was & is contrary to Law . Is ultra vires Article 14 of Constitution of India: " The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India"
Following Questions / Issues, inter alia , arise
( a ) Enquiry in-camera was held contrary to the observations made by, Constituent Assembly of India in 1949. In its' Impeachment Order had held thus:"While we are alive to the desirability, in the interests of the public, of investigating charges against a Judge in open court, we held the Enquiry in-camera in view of the allegation made in the affidavits and the circumstances of the case. This mode of proceeding should not, however, be regarded as a precedent." [008.07 ].
( b) In the case of similar In-House Inquiry held under the Orders of Chief Justice of India in Jusice V. Ramaswami's case , Justice Ramaswami had held that " Inquiring Committee" as well as " Inquiry" have no basis & force of law. It is reflected in the Report , which was read-out by CJI to Advocates & publicised , submitted by 3 Judges Committee thus" Indeed Justice Ramaswami had made it clear to the Chief Justice that he did not recognise any such Jurisdiction in any body or authority."
(c) It will not be out-of place to mention here that Two of "Three Judges Committee " appointed by CJI in Re. V. Ramaswami's case are alleged to be involved in Judges Plot 4 Plot.[014.00]. It is like Criminal investigating another criminal .
( d ) If so how sure can we be that " 3 Judges Committee " appointed to invetigate " 3 Judges Mysore Sex Scandal " were un-biased or were above Board & have presented an accurate Report ?
Queries to Supreme Court , Parliament of India & Central Government
In Re. Judges' Mysore Sex Scandal
( a)" Will the Supreme Court Publicise Report of " 3 Judges Committee " ( all & sundry material); morefully to know whether any evidence adduced by many in support of Scam is informed to CJI & Supreme Court ?
(b) What is the Guarantee that despite prima facie evidence Judges of Supreme Court which consists of Few corrupt Judges seved in Karnataka are not inclined to take stern action ?
(c) Investigation of a Crime comitted by Minister or anyone lies within Executive Domain like the case Justice K.Veeraswami, in this case CBI . Is it not a case of hushing-up & messing-up of " 3 Pillars of Constitution " ?.
(d) How long will you try keeping suppressed Crimes of Judges of Supreme Court & High Courts when Union Law Minister Mr. P. Shiva Shankar , on 28th Nov.1987 said " Supreme Court is filled with FERA violators & Bride Burners…" ( AIR 1988 SC 1208 ). When Chief Justice Of India Justice E.S. Venkataramaiaha admits that "in every High Court there are 3-4 Judges who are out every evening to Party in Foreign Embassiies or at Advocates' places…drink…dine…" (1990 Cr LJ 2179 ) [041.09].
(e) 20% of Judges are corrupt , indirectly said Chief Justice of India Mr. Justice S.P. Bharucha , in other words admitted that 80% of Judges of India are not corrupt & are above board to be bribed or influnced ? Then why cases are not filed against 20% of Judges ?
LOSS of Confidence in Judiciary : The Actions & Inactions of Supreme Court trying to suppress crimes of Judges has resulted in We, the People of India losing confidence in Courts & given rise to a Question whether at all People of India's Fundamental & Statutory Rights are safe in present set of Judges & Courts and Laws Governing thereof ?
Conscience of Judiciary Shaken: Supreme Court of India: "Police Raj" it said when Judges all over India went on a kind of strike; for the reason that a District Judge in liquor prohibited Gujarat State in 1991; drunk & misbehaved , police acted as per law or so. Conscience of Judiciary was shaken the Court claims. What was it to do with Judges all over India? Have they ganged-up as One to help each other & continue crimes but still go unpunished? Punish Dutiful Police?
"Police Raj" to "Judges Tyranny": Judges serving all over India have formed an Assocition called " All India Judges Association ". At the time when One Party System in Parliament managed by Congress was to give way to Multi-Party System (1989 & 1991 General Elections); Supreme Court gave Judgments in 1992 & 1993 upholding that Judges of subordinate courts of India are not Employees. They are like Ministers / M.L.A.s but not on par of Civil Servants [037.02][037.02A ]. Inter alia Court said Central Govt. should set-up " All India Judicial Services " & " National Judicial Pay Commission ". Supreme Court continuously monitored to see that Pay Commission (FNJPC) is constituted but failed to monitor setting-up of All India Judicial Services [055.02 ]. What Judges want is more Liberty / Perks / Powers but no liabilities / Duties. Un-bridled they want to be as Judges of Supreme Court & High Court. FNJPC was also given power to give Interim Relief to Judges. Non setting-up of National Judicial Academy [008.15 ] & All India Judicial Services is nothing but Fraud on Constitution & Supreme Court
Criminal Politicians Vs Criminal Judges : Hats off for the Judgment of Supreme Court striking-down of Parliamentary Act amending Representatives of Peoples Act. Court said Come Clean Mr. Politicians in relation to diclosure of their Criminal , Financial & other such antecedents so as to help electorate of India to decide whether to vote for good or bad person in elections. But this 50 years belated Judgment came as Bolt from Blue to politicians. In this perod Aliens, Anti-nationals, Criminals & all sundries had a field Day.
But then What about Criminal / Corrupt / Judgment-for-Sex Judges ?: The Supreme Court was unanimous in the Judgment of corrupt politicians. Parliament is not unanimous to Bridle Judges or judiciary. Nor is the Supreme Court ready to find ways & means to Tame / Terminate / Jail the Corrupt / criminal / Judgment-for-Sex Judges. Such inactions of Supreme Court or High Court is nothing short of giving leverage to such of them. It looks as though Supreme Court on its own is eroding faith of Public in Judiciary as a whole. Like Termites these Judges are Constitutional-Enemies-Within-India who are bent upon to disseminate corruption among other Good Judges.
In " mysooru mithra" a kannada daily dated 15/06/2005, the editor has written about a copy of the complaint made by Transparency International India-Bangalore to central vigilance commission of india. In indian banks , there is a strange practice that whenever a cheque is put before the clearing house by a bank, the clearing
house sends that cheque to the service branch of bank paying. The service branch then sends that cheque to the appropriate bank branch for deduction of cash from the cheque account. In this travel , if the cheque is lost or misplaced midway, the service branch pays out of it's suspense account to the cash collecting bank. Logically,
afterwards the service branch must initiate a thorough inquiry, get authentication from both persons one who gave cheque & other who collected cheque. Finally, the money must be transferred from the account of cheque giver to the suspense account.
However , upto 1997 two branches of state bank of india in bangalore & overseas branch sufferred from frequent loss of cheques totally amounting to RUPEES THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED CRORE. In all cases of cheque loss the bank has paid out of suspense account, totally amounting to Rs.3200 crore. However the bank has not initiated any enquiry to recover that amount from the cheque givers. In the 1997 internal audit report of the bank itself , this has been clearly pointed out. Till date, even the central vigilance commission has not initiated any action about it. A member of central vigilance commission happens to be ex-chairman of state bank of india.
It is just an instance of two branches of SBI, what about hundreds of branches of SBI, what about thousands of branches of other public sector,private sector & co-operative banks. It is fraud,fraud,fraud all the way. Few months back to cover-up the crimes of global trust bank ( GTB) , it was taken over by oriental bank of
commerce ( OBC). While sanctioning a loan of just Rs.10000 to a common man , he has to comply with lengthy legalities. If he defaults, bankers breath down his neck, bankers send rowdies in the form of recovery agents to humiliate the common man & his properties are auctioned-off, finally all dues to the last penny are recovered. In most of the cases bankers even force the defaulters to commit suicide. However influential persons easily gets loans amounting to hundreds of crores of rupees, coolly defaults, siphons-off the funds & shuts his shop. No recovery at all , just it becomes a non- performing asset (NPA) in the bank ledger. The total NPAs of all
public sector banks is more than Rs.80000 crore. This burden is spead over the crores of hapless indians.
The government takes pride in murdering forest brigand veerappan. The ill-gotten wealth of veerappan is not even pea nuts before this huge amount. Remember past finance scams – MS SHOES, HAWALA, HARSHAD MEHTA SHARE SCAM, KETAN PAREKH SHARE SCAM, UTI, etc. totally in all these scams billions of dollars of public money have gone to the coffers of criminals. These scamsters put veerappan to shame in their turnover. However the government is not even exhibiting a fraction of it's ELIMINATE VEERAPPAN DRIVE against these scamsters, why?
In india, both central & state government tax/ revenue officials are neck deep in corruption. By, taking bribe they make lower assessment of income, gains, etc & spare businessmen from the tax payment. The government in return for favours received from lobbies, gives tax exemptions to them at it's sweet will. All these scams & it's cover-ups are insider jobs. The government is not interested to collect, recover it's own monies amounting to billions of billions of dollars every year. However our 5-star leaders living at the expense of tax-payers, go-on foreign jaunts with a begging bowl for a few lakhs of dollars. What a shame?
More than 50 billion indians are barely surviving on a single meal per day & hundreds are dying due to starvation, billions don't even have basic necessities of life. If the government even just collects a fraction of it's dues from scamsters, defaulting industrialists – people won't die of hunger in india. Has this enlightened our thick skinned netas ?
An age old saying – AS THE KING SO DOES THE SUBJECTS. In india various financial scams, crimes & it's cover-ups have taken place amounting to billions of billions of dollars have taken place, made possible , just due to the involvement of the king – the netas & government officials themselves in the shameful act – the crime. The tax officials are utterly corrupt, the wards of these officials spend double their pappa's salary just during weekends. Now, realise their financial might. These ill-gotten wealth is destabilising our economy & might have even found it's way into the hands of underworld, terorrists. INDIA WILL BE DEFEATED FROM
Hereby, the HRW urges you to make public:
1. the financial worth of finance minister to tax official at circle level, on annual basis including his spouse's worth & property details.
2. to make public the NPAs, losses & monies under litigation by both private & public sector banks annually.
3. to make public measures taken to recover these monies.
4. to publish annual accounts with complete details of discretionary funds allotted to the defence ministry, president, prime minister, chief ministers , governors & intelligence agencies. Public want to know whether proper discretion is being applied while spending.
name : ...........................NAGARAJ.M.R.
Title of paper : e-Voice Of Human Rights Watch
periodicity : WEEKLY
donations : NOT ACCEPTED
owner/editor/printer/publisher : NAGARAJ.M.R.
nationality : INDIAN
home page : http://hrwpaper.blogspot.com/
contact : naghrw@yahoo.com , nagarajhrw@hotmail.com
cell : 09341820313
I ,NAGARAJ.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief.
date : 05/04/2008 your's sincerely,
place : India Nagaraj.M.R.
Raid by Karnataka lokayukta on police officials - seizure of crores worth illegal wealth
in our neighbourhood , in our society private sector employees earning rs.10000 monthly income are finding it hard to meet ends , whereas many of the government officials earning lesser salary than that are leading luxurious lifestyles , how ?
Just yesterday Karnataka lokayukta raided & apprehended high police officials for possessing crores worth illegal wealth much above their stated legal incomes.
recently in the last week Karnataka lokayukta raided , seized illegal wealth of corrupt police , transport officials. The corruption is wide spread in public service including Karnataka lokayukta , central vigilance commission & CBI itselves. In 2006, when Karnataka lokayukta arrested 5 corrupt police officials & taking them in police jeep , 2 corrupt police officials escaped like petty criminals in cinematic manner.
There are vast number of corrupt public servants who are continuing their crimes unabetted due to their sharing arrangements with their higher ups. Only a minute number of corrupt are being booked, by the efforts of honest few in Karnataka lokayukta , CVC & CBI . The paradox is that the government instead of legally prosecuting those criminals – corrupt officials , is sitting over their files for years & have reinstated , promoted tainted officials.
Why do rich people / criminals pay bribe to police ? definitely not for charity , but not to mention their names in the FIR , to let them continue their crimes unabetted , to suppress evidences / witnesses , not to make their arrests , to conduct improper investigations , to close a case with B report , not to produce evidences / witnesses before the court , to fix-up poor innocents , to force the poor innocents to do the bidding of rich criminals , etc .
As a result of these sell out of police duties , rich criminals are going scot free , poor innocents are suffering in jail & corrupt police are amassing illegal wealth.
In the same way corrupt health department officials / doctors are selling out post mortem reports , medical certificates for a price , giving out certificates of legal compliance to adulterated food / medicine manufacturers , thereby killing thousands of people in their selfish greed to make more money.
The labour / pollution control board officials are selling out certificates , to criminal industrialists who are indulging in unfair labour practices , occupational hazards , thereby killing poor people , in their greed to make a fortune.
The tax officials are making lesser / favourable tax assessments favouring industrialists /traders for a price, aiding them to evade tax. As a result the public exchequer is loosing money , for it's social welfare , defence , other programmes. The ill-gotten wealth of industrialists / traders ie BLACK MONEY is disturbing our national economy & finding it's way to underworld , mafia & terrorist outfits.
The corrupt police , tax officials , public servants are worse parasites than britishers . the threat & damge to india's security , integrity is more from these criminals - corrupt public servants than from USA , CHINA or PAKISTAN.
False Affidavits , Information Hiding – Crimes of supreme court of India & Public Servants
Many public servants are leading luxurious lifestyles , beyond the legal sources of their income. Many public servants are filing false affidavits about their annual income , wealth details to Election Commission of India / Vigilance Commission / other authorities , as the case may be. These authorities are not properly verifying these affidavits . many scams , scandals are coming to light day in & day out , politicians are accussing each other of involvement in scams. Whereas , the said authorities are keeping mum , as if those affidavits filed by tainted public servants are true.
The tainted public servants are not even providing full , right information to public as per RTI Act, lest the truth come out. Just imagine , even the supreme court of India violated RTI Act – failed to give information to our publication as per RTI Act , lest the truth – skeletons in judiciary comes out.
Some public servants , caught redhanded during luxurious spending , easily says that it is at their political paty's expense or their well wisher's expense. However no entries are found in the account books of said parties to that respect. The law forbids public servants from accepting gifts , hospitality , favours beyond the value of rupees one hundred ( Rs. 100 ) , as it may be a form of bribe.
Hereby , HRW urges the honourable supreme court of India , to enforce RTI Act , annual filing of affidavits by public servants , fool-proof verification of those affidavits by public committees comprising ordinary citizens as mandatory encompassing all public offices. As a first step , it must be enforced to judges , police personnel & tax officials . then alone , many socio-economic problems , corruption in India can be solved.
Hereby , we do call upon Karnataka lokayukta , central vigilance commission & CBI
1. To stop accepting all government officials reports , reports as sacrosanct documents , most truthful evidences.
2. to publish wealth details of it's own staff & all public servants department wise annually with provision for cross verification by public.
3. to make it mandatory for all public servants including judges , constitutional functionaries to submit annual wealth statements on affidavit & to make it public with provision for cross verification by public.
4. to initiate legal action for those giving false statements on affidavit.
5. the corrupt public servants who intentionally give false information or hide information under one pretext or the other while information is sought under RTI Act , all with a view to hide crimes must be legally prosecuted as criminals as in normal legal recourse persons who help criminals in destroying evidences , crimes are prosecuted.
6. the corrupt officials don't leave evidences in open. Their higher ups who have taken kick backs from their corrupt subordinate always give a favourable report about him. So, during legal prosecution those reports must not be relied upon. In fact , there is a gross mismatch between government reports & ground reality. Take for example , in mysore construction is going on in INFOSYS campus on huge scale . most of the construction workers are not even covered by statuotary requirement of ESI , PF. The occupational hazards are more , accidents are common place , recently even deaths of workers have occurred due to occupational hazards . in the media also it was reported , in the media report it was even mentioned that vijayanagar police have registered a case & investigating. However when the information about it was sought from labour commissioner of Karnataka as per RTI Act , assistant labour commissioner of mysore has stated that no occupational deaths have taken place in either 2006 or 2007. SEE THE GROUND REALITY IS DIFFERENT WHEREAS THE GOVERNMENT RECORD , LABOUR DEPARTMENT RECORDS SING A DIFFERENT TUNE. THE FAILURE IN OUR DEMOCRACY IS THAT THESE FAKE RECORDS , STATEMENTS OF GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ARE TAKEN AS ULTIMATE TRUTH BY COURTS OF LAW & PROSECUTING AUTHORITIES. I can give more actual examples like this.
7. so , involve public in the inspection teams , raiding parties of tax department , labour department , excise department , drugs control , weights & measures , etc. these public can put a check to the corrupt practices , fake records of these corrupt government officials.
8. kindly do remember that in 2006-07 , a corrupt judge was exposed by media efforts. The said corrupt judge in his urgency to collect bribe has not even looked at the INTENDED PERSONS TO BE ARRESTED & blindly signed the copies of arrest warrant . the arrest warrant was against H.E . PRESIDENT OF INDIA , HONOURABLE CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA & HONOURABLE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA. As in the normal working of government machinery if it was pursued , president of India , chief justice of India & prime minister of India should have been arrested. Technically speaking it was right. However common sense prevailed & the higher judiciary took appropriate action as the issue concerned VVIPs. Normally our courts of law , authorities work without common sense like horses of horse cart whose eyes are partially covered allowing only narrow vision , just by relying on government reports , records of corrupt public servants. The courts , authorities just functions by technicalities. This must stop for the sake of justice , fairness.
9. when a public makes complaint to Karnataka lokayukta , CVC or CBI about corrupt practices of a public servant , they must stop relying on the legal opinion of it's own advocates as they just rely on government records. Take for example the wrong legal opinion of legal expert of Karnataka lokayukta. The lokayukta has legal jurisdiction to inquire into all Karnataka state government institutions & organizations funded , supported by government of Karnataka. There are other examples where In Karnataka lokayukta has taken action against employees of Karnataka government aided institutions . The PES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING mandya is funded & aided by government of Karnataka , but when we made a complaint regarding corruption in that institution , the legal expert of Karnataka lokayukta gave his expert opinion that the said institution is out of lokayukta's legal jurisdiction , so no action is called for . based on this opinion Karnataka lokayukta rejected my complaint. Some of these legal experts are indirectly covering up criminals , stop relying on their expert opinions.
10. when a complaint is given to Karnataka lokayukta , CVC or CBI they in turn ask the complainant himself for supporting evidences , records. The government has given them vast police force to enforce law , to inquire & to collect evidences. How can a commoner can collect evidences , the criminal don't leave evidences in open , all the commoner can do is make complaint regarding the injustices he has suffered. The complaints must be accepted & inquired into with or without evidences , lack of evidences should not be the sole reason for dismissal of complaint as presently Karnataka lokayukta , CVC & CBI are doing .
11. review all the past official decisions of corrupt officials apprehended by Karnataka lokayukta , CVC & CBI. As there are possibilities of innocents suffering injustices & rich criminals going scot free.
We at e-voice of human rights watch has requested for information from honourable supreme court of India , union home ministry & director general of police for Karnataka , as per RTI Act . All the three have failed to provide complete truthful information to us. Hereby , we do once again request you to order the – supreme court of India , union home ministry GOI & DGP of Karnataka & other public servants of GOI , GOK , to comply with RTI Act & to provide the full truthful information us at the earliest.
http://crimesofbda.blogspot.com/ ,
http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/289 ,
http://crimesatmudamysore.wordpress.com/ ,
http://manivannanmuda.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/288 ,
http://citizensofindiavssupremecourtofindia.blogspot.com/ ,
http://indiancitizen.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/269 ,
http://crimesofsanjaydutt.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsanjaydutt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/265 ,
http://tortureoftribals.blogspot.com/ ,
http://tortureoftribals.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/284 ,
http://crossexamofhomeministergoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofhomeminister.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/243 ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/221 ,
http://foreignspy.wordpress.com/ ,
http://foreignspy.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/76 ,
http://hangthecorrupt.blogspot.com/ ,
http://hangthecorrupt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/231 ,
http://uniformcivilcode.wordpress.com/ ,
http://uniformcivilcode.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/237 ,
http://priceofcorrupt.blogspot.com/ ,
http://priceofcorrupt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/197 ,
http://narcoanalysisindia.blogspot.com/ ,
http://narcoanalysisindia.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/16 ,
http://indiahanging.blogspot.com/ ,
http://indiahanging.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/178 ,
http://3degreepolice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://3degreepolice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/215 ,
http://rowdiesinuniform.blogspot.com/ ,
http://rowdiesinuniform.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/185 ,
http://murdersbypolice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://murdersbypolice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/215 ,
http://scopeneye.blogspot.com/ ,
http://scopeneye.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/220 ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ , http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/221 ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/222 ,
http://corruptindianjudges.wordpress.com/ ,
http://corruptindianjudges.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/225 ,
http://antidalit.wordpress.com/ ,
http://antidalit.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/211 ,
http://ojihadi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://ojihadi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/172 ,
http://noticetopublicservants.wordpress.com/ ,
http://noticetopublicservants.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/206 ,
http://crimesatrpg.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/218 ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/196 ,
are you ready to catch tax thieves ?
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
reliance industry where is accountability ?
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/196 ,
crimes at infosys campus
http://crimeatinfy.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimeatinfy.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/214 ,
crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman
http://landscam.blogspot.com/ ,
http://landscam.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/212 ,
crimes of land mafia in India
http://landscam.blogspot.com/ ,
http://landscam.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/212 ,
currency thefts in RBI Press
http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/80 ,
killer colas & killer medicines of India
http://deathcola.blogspot.com/ ,
http://deathcola.wordpress.com/ ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/201 ,
Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJ.M.R. @ #LIG-2 / 761,HUDCO FIRST STAGE ,OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL ,MYSORE ………. 570017 INDIA……………………cell :09341820313
home page : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw, http://groups.google.co.in/group/hrwepaper/,
http://evoiceofhumanrightswatch.wordpress.com/ , http://indiapolicelaw.blogspot.com/ , http://hrwpaper.blogspot.com/ , http://naghrw.tripod.com/evoice/ ,
contact : naghrw@yahoo.com , nagarajhrw@hotmail.com ,

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